Monday, January 30, 2017

Your Choices In Crisis

Small fingered fist
Late last week, my teen aged daughter was asking my wife and I for advice, as she was overbooked and overwhelmed between commitments. "I feel like I can't win," she said, in detailing her options, and I was able, in a minor miracle given her age and nature, to get a word in edgewise. "Well, actually, you can't *lose*," I said, and pointed out that the story of how her weekend could go also had the same ability to be spun in a positive manner. My pitch worked, her outlook changed, she got her work done, and we're that much closer to the (blessed, blessed) day she starts college.

If you read my columns routinely, this is where you might expect the pivot to marketing and advertising matters. Not yet. Hold on for a little while longer.

Many people in our industry, since our work tends toward urban areas and diverse staffs, have felt personally impacted by the regime change in the U.S. this month, and even more directly by this weekend's changes to immigration policy. Even if you haven't been personally impacted yet, it's easy to find people in your network who have, either from travel uncertainties to social pressures, concerns over health care, and so on.

Personally, I find myself increasingly irritated by the amount of distraction and stress created by all of this. The silver lining from one party in charge of all branches of government was supposed to be a better economy, thanks to job-creating deregulation, better trade deals, badly needed and wildly delayed investments in infrastructure, and so on. Instead, there's been comedic overreaches about things that shouldn't matter to anyone, a continuing move of the goalposts in regard to conflict of interest disclosure, and now, censorship and a piecemeal immigration ban that seems more about where the family of the Oval Office resident owns hotels, rather than any real improvement to our national security, either in the short or long term.

So instead of being able to just focus on the day to day of your, well, day to day, you get to navigate this mine field of social media firestorms, and the alarm of people in your network who have already been negatively affected. Which all seems like a race to the bottom of seeing which side can make the other break first, either through executive actions or effective protest, legal challenge, and so on. American elections are among the longest in the world, and now, we've got one that will seemingly never end. (And before anyone feels that this is just how the losing side won't get over it... note how Trump's infamous Twitter feed dismissed the immigration opinions of Senators Graham and McCain by noting that they are both failed presidential candidates, as if this invalidates their opinions whenever it disagrees with his.)

Still with me? Good. Here's that pivot that I promised you.

As marketers and advertisers, it seems like we can't win. If we choose a side in this circus, we cut our audience. If we don't, we risk looking complicit or irrelevant. And if we are somehow mentioned in the dreaded Twitter stream, our stock prices tank, and all of our efforts are put in the media spin cycle.

But what's also possible is that this is a situation where you can't lose. If your product or service delivers a good and simple benefit, it's going to seem downright refreshing in the current climate. Boring is the new safe, and safe is the new peace. Consumer loyalties are going to grow as more and more of our brain cells are taken up by the viral politic. If you are a new player to the field, there will never be a better time to engineer a viral message by picking a side. Opportunities are, frankly, rife for both leading brands and challengers.

Worried that no one is paying attention to your ads in a multi-channel age? It's my belief that if the current condition is the New Normal, any number of people will begin to opt out of the social media channels altogether, or at least, to limit their time, because you can only block so many people before the exercise just seems pointless. Yes, we may have finally found a way to increase television ratings, or to get print media numbers to stop shrinking.

A final personal aside. Last Friday night, I held my every 3 weeks poker game. With my regulars bringing in more and more new players, the game has never been more popular, and we had the most players ever in my space. I've also made things trickier on myself by switching to playing records for background music. So I'm up and down a lot, tending my turntable, playing my hands, keeping both rooms aware of the blinds and ante levels, and such. In the hustle and bustle, I lost track of my phone, and didn't have it back in my hands for a solid eight hours, until the last hands were dealt, and clean-up was completed.

So for all that time, I had no idea what the Administration had done, what my network thought about it, or any of the noise of the outside world. I just had my friends, and my poker game, and my music.

I didn't win money on Friday night. I was fortunate enough to break even.

It was also the most fun I've had in weeks... and I think I'm going to be smart enough to start losing my phone more often.

Because choosing not to engage in a crisis is also a choice, and an increasingly refreshing one.

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