Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Subroutine Problem

Or moles instead of subroutines
So here's a way that I think I can discuss the current political situation in re the Supreme Court that, with luck, will allow me to say something useful... without removing M&AD from professional consideration from a significant portion of the business community.

One of the ways in which I am blessed and useful, in a business context, is that I have a helpful amount of disassociation and distance from my physical self. It's something that I think may come easier to those of us who don't have to deal with, say, the issue of menses, and if I'm speaking to full privilege, the fact that I'm also currently abled, the majority skin tone, not living near heavy industry or under challenging policing conditions, hetero-normative, etc. I am a dream patient for doctors; I deliver the meat bag and I give them no trouble. These are tactical advantages under our current conditions, and will likely remain that way. If you want to end the pay gap, you actually have to pay women more than men, and in some places and industries, you do. Not enough, but it is better than it used to be, and independent of the activities of the week, that trend will hopefully continue.

Steering out of the tangent.

Let's imagine that the human brain is akin to your computer, or if you prefer, your phone. Too many programs (or aps) running all at once will cause heat, slowness, inefficiency, irritation and if done for too long, a system crash. Maybe even viruses and the early obsolescence of the hardware. Too few programs will improve on all of these things, but it will also be, well, boring as hell and not particularly useful. 

Finding the right mix and/or increasing your processing power and speed is the goal, but it's a balance. As soon as you add RAM, as it were, you also tend to add stuff. If you'd like to keep this offline, swap in age and commitments. You can kid yourself into thinking that your machine is special and can handle the abuse, and that may be true (especially if you were born lucky and aren't running all of those other aps I mentioned earlier)... 

But eventually a limit will be reached. Maybe you stop running the Kindness to Fellow Drivers or Service Workers ap, or the Charity ap, and maybe you even pat yourself on the back for being so smart as to do that. Life hack! One that I hope the majority of us will not adopt, because, y'know, it leads to devolution and horror. But I digress, and callous billionaires are heroes to many.

The past (five? who can tell?) years has forced a plethora of subroutines on *everyone*. No matter where you stand politically, you have ran the Covid subroutine. You are probably running the Ukraine subroutine. Maybe you are running Gerrymandering, Dark Money, Climate Change, Culture Wars, Immigration, Crime, Inflation and Media subroutines, too.

Whole lotta subroutines. On top of any of the personal ones.

And now, the Court.

You can, of course, shut down *any* of these. All you have to do is disable them, along with the Conscience and Empathy Aps.

But it won't make the world any better, won't protect those who really need protection, and won't give you any comfort at all when the next turn in the road arrives, and you are just along for the ride.

From a personal standpoint, I can not fathom how some of the folks who I oppose on this matter sleep at night, where they get the absolute self-confidence to know that their flawed position is somehow correct, and why they would want to live in the world that their actions would create. 

I am also sure that they probably think, if they care to, the very same things about me.

So I'll try to remember that these are human beings, and that if I engage my full ire about it... well, I'm just running the subroutine, probably so much that I can't do anything else.

And well, people need me to do more than run that subroutine. 

If only, so that others can.

Good luck getting past your own subroutine issues, folks...

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