Wednesday, April 15, 2015

TV Ads Are Dead, DEAD, DEAD!, I Tell You

Welcome, TV Ad Brothers & Sisters
In a new survey, Accen- ture says there was a 13% drop world wide and an 11% decline in the United States. Even looking at live TV viewing -- specifically at sports programming -- there have been cutbacks in usages on the traditional TV screen, 10% globally and 9% in the U.S. - MediaPost, 4/15/15
So, as someone who has made the rent in digital advertising (banners, emails, social, SEO, etc.) for the past couple of decades....

And has had to endure any number of post-mortems and sloppy attacks based on CTR and banner blindness and deliverability issues and so on, and so on...

While my brethren in television got to enjoy ever-escalating (or, at the very least, wonderfully stable) CPMs...

While my own field's willingness to provide data, that was then used to club us over the head and shoulders, in re penetration...

Well, Goose, Sauce, And Gander math does seem to apply here, no?

Especially when the Accenture survey gets *really* bad (up to 33% loss!) for the 14 to 17 year old market?

Anyway... don't worry, TV Friends. As the last couple of decades in my own personal situation can attest, there's money in dead things.

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